Welcome to my secret private invite page :)

Please take a few uninterrupted moments to watch this video. If we know each other already, hello again! If you have been sent this link from a friend, know she deeply loves you and cares for your wellbeing.


The cut off date for this invite is December 22nd 2019

Click here for a call with me to answer any questions.
If you're an instant YES and want to make sure you get in before the cut off

"Working with Jessica has literally changed the whole course of my life. Being around her and my classmates felt like such a major soul upgrade into tapping into a completely transformed state of mind."

Leela Hummingbird

"My work with Jessica has given me the tools to change my entire reality. Each session I have had with her feels directed and focused. I feel supported by the compassionate space she holds and I feel pushed on my healing path by her clear vision and connection to truth. My connection with Iskah has helped me create space in my life for joy, creativity, respect, truth, abundance, and love! I used to see a therapist and felt like my shadow work was continually brought up with no changes made. I feel safer going deep into my shadow with Iskah because each time I experience release of part of the hurtful stories that hold me back."

Sarah Orlik

"From that first call with Jessica I knew there was an understanding. I felt seen. I felt heard. And most of all I felt inspired by her compassion and love she had for people in this process. I am so proud I made this decision to invest in myself. Working with Iskah has changed my life. I am able to explore the depths of my shadow while feeling supported and held in a safe container. Through observing and reprogramming beliefs and thought forms- my psychic senses have heightened. Jessica was there to walk me through it. I am so proud of the growth Iā€™ve experienced working with her. (And now have a full clientele in my healing practice!). Now I am grounded into my senses, my work, and my joy and healing. I have learned to trust and love myself in ways Iā€™ve never imagined. I am so grateful for her heart, dedication and endlessly giving wisdom. "

Ashley Ka Luna

"Jessica is one of the few people I choose to receive healing sessions from because of her true dedication to her own inner work a nd her work with student and clients. She is able to pinpoint exact blockages with masterful skill, and has a very unique way of using languageā€”both listening intently, and speaking with clarity. As a healing teacher, she expresses high vibrational keys, concepts, & tools as a clear channel for Source. I am beyond grateful to call her my ally, teacher, and sister!"

Elise Siegle

"Jessica came highly recommended to me during a potent initiation in my life, and it's no surprise that upon first meeting her I was overcome with dƩjƠ vu. Working with Iskah has catalyzed a deep elemental remembrance and sense of belonging for me. Her powerful yet gentle medicine is in her intuitive ability to see into what is truly present for her clients, speaking the highest Truth into all untruths. I am humbled to walk this earth alongside Iskah, a true Sister and priestess whose infinite gifts we are so lucky to have."

Amelia Hall

"When working with Jessica I felt held in unconditional love & I felt safe with her guidance and experience. I love that she is a meticulous note taker post session, her consistent follow ups,, and her professionalism. I am confident about sharing my gifts from having received an intensive exchange with her. In the group I experienced a lot of magic and clarity as well, I highly appreciate her eloquence, intelligence, and maturity, and always feel wonderful, held, seen, understood, and SAFE with her! Jessica held my hand amidst big life changes and showed me that there was a thread for me to follow while I can be very vatta. I felt empowered by the many confirmations that I need to develop by healing arts practice. I maintained continued clarity outside our sessions as the more esoteric aspects of my growth continued to land as well."

Alecia Dunin

Some sweet love notes from other women about this work...


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