"As someone who was raised to believe my achievements create my worth, working with Jess has changed my life many times over. I am a more awake, more whole, more loving, and more grounded woman because of working with her: in my relationship, my business, my family, during my launches, and most importantly when I am alone with myself.
I spent 80k+ on business coaching trying to fix myself when I already knew all the strategies, only to realize 2 years later that I was still missing something. I needed real guidance from someone who has mastery in deep inner work. Jess is an absolute gold mine in the coaching world.
If you have any chance to work with her - JUST DO IT. "
The Phoenix Path is a 6 month intensive training which also includes 2 in person retreats to teach you all of the fountaional skills to be a trauma informed and trauma trained coach. you will learn everything from developmental psychology, processing and breakthrough techniques, subconscious reprogramming, somatic hypnosis and trauma resolution and a WHOLE LOT MORE. You will also cultivate your presence as a practitioner so that you will be able to guide people deep with confidence and through to the other side of their transformation.
LEANR MORE & APPLY HEREMy personalized high touch container is ideal for scaling leaders who want to regain access to their natural feminine essence, and gain control of their energy, mental health, emotional balance, and capacity for focused, grounded clarity.
I'm honored to meet you exactly where you're at and help you re-claim the power you gave away in order to get there.
You are here in this life to experience your fullness.
Not just your productivity, your material success, your dominating strength, and your socially acceptable and society celebrated characters. You have a soul, a depth, and an authenticity that is far more real then any of that, and without it you will almost always feel drained, not caught up, and feel like something is missing.
That something is you.
What if you were actually living out ideas sold to you by others?
What if there is a way to include more FLOW in your day and less coping with the stressors?
What you could let go of the anxiety, isolation, depression, lethargy, and time crunch?
And what if it didn't have to take away from what you already value, have built, and hold and in fact opened you up to more?
I can show you how.
Working with Jessica has totally changed my life with her heart, dedication and endlessly giving wisdom. The way she sees you, hears you, holds you, and has a seemingly endless compassion for the human experience while also guiding you through it is a masters level ability. She can hold you in the depths of your shadow while feeling completely safe and supported in a clean container. Because of this work I have gone from my passion as a side job to a a consistently full clientele, am grounded in my gifts, joy, work, and healing abilities. I deeply trust myself and love myself in ways that I never imaged possible.
Jessica is an incredibly healing and fiercely present woman. She has an eloquent professional intelligence, and spiritual maturity which is direct yet always makes you feel wonderfully bright, held, seen, understood, and SAFE. She a living embodiment of unconditional love and very grounded, clear, actionable guidance.
Jessica is one of the few people I choose to receive healing sessions from because of her true dedication to her own inner work, impeccable discernment, and her work with student and clients. She is able to pinpoint exact blockages with masterful skill, and has a very unique way of using language—both listening intently, and speaking with clarity. As a healing teacher, she expresses high vibrational keys, concepts, & tools as a clear channel for Source. I mean what I say here. She isn’t the woo woo you see out there. This woman is the real deal.
In this 2 hour deep-dive we'll look behind the curtains of what's really blocking you,
& get clear, grounded, centered with your next steps towards lasting clairity.
The compassionate space Jessica holds is what I love about working with her. I feel pushed on my path by her clear vision and connection to truth. Being connected with her so intimately has opened spaces in my life for rejuvenating healing, joy, creativity, respect, truth, & an abundance of love.
Jessica came highly recommended to me during a potent initiation in my life, and it's no surprise. Working with her has catalyzed a deep remembrance and sense of belonging for me. Her powerful yet gentle medicine is in her intuitive ability to see into what is truly present for her clients, speaking the highest Truth into all untruths. I am humbled to walk this earth alongside her, a true Sister and priestess whose infinite gifts we are so lucky to have.
Jessica teaches, guides, and does her healing work with a rare, beautiful expertise which brought so much joy to follow and to receive. From my experience being around her has been a major soul upgrade into tapping into a completely transformed state of mind.
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