Mastering the art of Trauma Informed Space Holding

You know you're gifted at helping others, you may already have experience with clients in your coaching and mentorship practice, 

But there is a voice inside that says
"I know there is more, I know I want to go deeper, but I can't seem to find the right words, pathways, to really GO THERE "

This workshop is here to show you what you're probably missing, and how to dive deeper and get better results then you have before with client.

Sign up for this Master Class in Powerful, Professional, Trauma Informed Space Holding

Date: Saturday May 8th
Time:  1pm-3pm CST

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Learn powerful tools to refine your coaching skills & drop people in in a far deeper way than before.

Learn what most mentors and coaches are missing in theer practice and how to change it.

De-mystify the term "trauma informed" and learn what really goes into holding this kind of space.

Learn how to navigate the challenging dynamics in sticky coaching sessions.

Learn how to do a trauma informed intake that will save you months of time getting to the core root of your client's issues and transforming them.

Learn about somatics, the subconscious, and the internal anatomy of your emotions, psyche, and energy bodies

Live coaching from Jess

You know you are here to serve others in the deepest possible ways,

And you also know that mastery comes with practice and being an ever growing student.

In this 2 hour master class I will pour into your tool kit some of the most powerful tools and insights I have gained over doing this work for 11 years, so that you can save time, serve better, and accelerate your clients results, your business, and your career + reputation as a powerful transformational artist.

Why should you be learning from me?

A good question that is important to ask when getting online courses and especially practitioner trainings.

I have been studying, facilitating, and teaching subconscious reprogramming, self development work, energetic cultivation, meditation, conscious confrontation and communication, coaching, and trauma healing work, NLP, NVC, and many more techniques for 11 years.

I live, eat, and breath this work and I believe that it speaks through who I am in my life, the results I get with my clients and the way that those who meet me speak about me. Reputation is not something I see that is built through marketing and fancy instagram pictures but how you show up in your life, your most intimate relationships, and with those who serve

I have spent years studying under shamans, master healers, in intesnive trainings and working in multiple forms of trauma healing, subconscious reprogramming work and energetic cultivation work to get to the core of what makes transformation a lasting experience for those that I serve.

To me, this is not a spectator sport, I have had to go to the depths of my own pain, challenges, and blocks to rebuild myself into the woman that I am today. And that is what makes an amazing facilitator, that is why I love teaching others to facilitate as well.

Mastering the art of Trauma Informed Space Holding

You know you're gifted at helping others, you may already have experience with clients in your coaching and mentorship practice, 

But there is a voice inside that says
"I know there is more, I know I want to go deeper, but I can't seem to find the right words, pathways, to really GO THERE "

This workshop is here to show you what you're probably missing, and how to dive deeper and get better results then you have before with client.

Sign up for this Master Class in Powerful, Professional, Trauma Informed Space Holding

Date: Saturday May 8th
Time:  1pm-3pm CST

I promise to not send spam. Unsubscribe at any time.